Thank you for your decision to help the children, young adults, handicapped, disabled & the special needs families in the tribal communities of Chattisgarh.
Your contribution is highly appreciated and your hard earned money will go directly to the children & the families who need it the most.
You can also make it a recurring donation by checking the option below. This will help us to continue providing education, nutritious meal & assistance to the assistance to the tribal children with special needs.
We accept one time & monthly subscriptions through PayPal. You can use your Debit / Credit Card or your PayPal ID to donate through the form below. You can check your payment records or unsubscribe by logging into your PayPal account.
Click on the Donate button below or scan the QR code to continue with your donation.

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Your monthly subscription goes directly to the children, handicapped & disabled kids, young adults and the most needy tribal families in Chattisgarh. Your financial contribution also provides a nutritious meal to the children, young adults & families.
The tribal families have suffered eternally from unavailability of modern education, learning assistance, access to books & teachers & have decayed due to very poor nutrition.
Your contribution helps us to fight constant poverty, malnutrition & uneducated tribal populations in the tribal regions of Chattisgarh. On behalf of the benefactors, we THANK YOU for choosing to make your monthly contribution to the cause.